Scoil Chríost Rí
Presentation School, Portlaoise

Guidance & Counselling

Guidance & Counselling

Career Guidance and Counselling is at the heart of our Pastoral Care System at Scoil Chríost Rí. Our Guidance Counsellors have a caring and supportive role in the school where students can get advice and supports about a range of issues. From relationships to study skills and family difficulties to college advice and information, the Guidance Counsellors are on hand to meet with students in a confidential environment where they can be cared for and supported throughout their time in the school.

Counselling helps pupils explore their thoughts and feelings and the choices open to them. It gives care and support to pupils learning to cope with the many aspects of growing up and school life and with their individual personal circumstances. Scoil Chríost Rí endeavours to offer a comprehensive guidance and counselling service to all our students. The Guidance Counsellors liaise with Year Heads, Learning Support Teachers, School Chaplain, Subject Teachers, Tutors, Deputy Principals and Principal. They also have regular contact with parents, psychologists, employers, colleges, social services, counsellors and the Department of Education

The Career Guidance and Counselling Dept within Scoil Chríost Rí provides support for all students in three main areas:

– Personal and Social Guidance
– Educational Guidance
– Career and Vocational Guidance

Personal and Social Guidance

This area empowers students to make decisions, solve problems, change behaviour and resolve issues in their lives, through –

  1. Individual counselling,
  2. Group counselling,
  3. Referral to a counsellor or other outside agency.

Educational Guidance

This area of Guidance recognises students’ different learning abilities and their inherent talents. Each student is encouraged to optimise their learning skills. This involves –

  1. Helping students with choices as with subjects, courses and levels,
  2. Aiding motivation and management learning,
  3. Showing students how to use available resources, study skills and exam techniques,
  4. Demonstrating how to use computer aided research.

Career and Vocational Guidance

This area of Guidance helps students to identify career and vocational goals by developing their self-analysis skills and sourcing and managing career information. This involves –

  1. Having an understanding of the pathways into higher education,
  2. Making and carrying out appropriate life choices and plans,
  3. Practising interview techniques, CV writing and cover letters,
  4. Identifying strengths and weakness from the results of various interest and aptitude tests,
  5. Becoming aware of employment opportunities

You can find more information on our Career Guidance page

Keep up to date by following us on Instagram @guidance_scrpl

Support Helplines:

HSE 24hr Txt Service:

A free 24/7 text service, providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for people going through a mental health or emotional crisis. Text HELLO to 50808, anytime day or night. Visit for more information.


Pieta provides free therapy to those engaging in self-harm, with suicidal ideation, or bereaved by suicide. See: Midlands Contact is Bernie Carroll at 0864180088.


Childline (ISPCC) is Ireland's 24-hour national listening service for young people up to the age of 18. Freephone 1800 666 666 (any time, day or night). Text 50101 (from 10am to 4pm every day). Chat online at (from 10am to 4pm every day).


Samaritans: Free 24 hour phone support 365 days a year. Call 116 123. See for more information


Barnardos ( provide a wide-ranging service to families including support around bereavement. Downloadable e-books both parents and children are available on their website as well as links to various services. A national telephone support service for parents is available in response to the challenges they are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Freephone 1800 910 123 (from 10am to 2pm, Monday to Friday). Barnardos also provide a children's bereavement helpline service, for members of the public seeking information and support in relation to bereavement. Telephone 01 473 2110 (from 10am to 12pm, Monday to Thursday)

The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network

The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network ( is a member organisation where families, professionals and schools can obtain information, guidance and support from various professionals. In addition to resources and supports, courses are available for professionals to develop their skillset in supporting bereavement.

The Irish Hospice Foundation

The Irish Hospice Foundation ( have developed practical and easily accessible materials for the Irish context, and include resources and supports available from organisations such as the HSE, DES and websites such as

Portlaoise Family Resource Centre

The Portlaoise Family Resource Centre provide counselling and other family services at a low cost. Details on their website here: is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people. They work so that Ireland is a place where young people aged between 16 and 25 have the information they need to enable them live active, happy, and healthy lives. Other things they are involved in include, providing information on a range of different topics including mental health, publishing articles on the site that have been written by readers so that their views and experiences of life can be heard, campaigning on issues that are relevant to young people through the media.


Turn2Me provides free counselling online for young people aged 12-18. More information at

Your Mental Health

The website has information on all mental health supports and services available nationally & locally from the HSE and its funded partners. You can also call the freephone YourMentalHealth Information Line to find supports and services: 1800 111 888 (any time, day or night).

NEPS Support Material Links:

Please find links to support material from NEPS (National Educational Psychological Service):

Children’s Understanding and Reaction to Death According to Age

Grief after an Unexpected Death

How To Cope When Something Terrible Happens

Reactions to a Critical Incident

Stages of Grief

Ways to Help Your Child Through This Difficult Time

Feb 17
School Closed - Mid term break
Feb 25
1st year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 12
2nd year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
School Closed - Bank Holiday
Scoil Chríost Rí
Borris Rd, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 TK70
One Good School Award 2022-2023
© 2025 Scoil Chríost Rí