Scoil Chríost Rí
Presentation School, Portlaoise

Cairde Nano

Promoting Nano Nagle's kind actions throughout our school

In 2021 year, a Cairde Nano team was set up with the help of Ms. Byrne and a group of enthusiastic 2nd year students.

Our aim is to promote Nano Nagle’s kind actions throughout our school. We meet weekly and plan various events to spread kindness and thoughtfulness.

Each year, we mark Presentation Day in November. In November 2021, we designed a Nano Trail, around the school, where students had to find clues randomly hidden around the school to solve the worksheet. This was fun! We also planted seeds for every form for our first Ceist Ceiliuradh day.

In December 2021, we delivered daily announcements, spreading positivity and kindness and we asked every form to decorate their door with a Christmas theme. There was great competition between forms and it was lovely to see the school so festive.

We aim to carry out multiple acts of kindness throughout this school year and in doing so, We want to promote random acts of kindness in our school and so we came up with the idea of the “Nano Nagle Kindness” award. All students in 1st and 2nd year, vote for the person they thought was the kindest at the end of each term. This student will receive a certificate, designed by the Cairde Nano for all their kind work.

We have also created positive, kindness boards for the students and teachers in our school for different occasions.

We officially launched a drawing of Nano Nagle, by a local artist Pauline Dunne, on a central window of our school. In November 2022, we have added lanterns around the painting of Nano Nagle. These lanterns are filled with encouraging and positive quotes for the students' upcoming exams.

In March 2022, we set up an appeal for supplies for the people of Ukraine. We knew they needed multiple supplies including clothes, food and hygiene products. We asked teachers and students in our school and the CBS, to bring in as many of these supplies as possible. We categorized and packaged all the items. With the help of Martley’s bus company, who kindly offered to transport the items to Ukraine, we filled three articulated lorries with supplies. We were very surprised but very grateful for the huge amount of supplies we got.

In September 2022, a new team of students have joined the Cairde Nano team and we have launched a successful shoebox appeal for Team Hope and promoted the Kindness Award in the school. All our work can be followed on Instagram

Click on the Image below to open Cairde Nano Instagram page

Instagram logo 2.jpg

Feb 17
School Closed - Mid term break
Feb 25
1st year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 12
2nd year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
School Closed - Bank Holiday
Scoil Chríost Rí
Borris Rd, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 TK70
One Good School Award 2022-2023
© 2025 Scoil Chríost Rí